If we zoom in and look at the whole life cycle of each ingredient and follow its trail, it is apparent how important every component and the integrity of each chemical truly is. Remember seeing these “Food Web”s? It zooms in even closer to what the grass itself is eating! “Plants make up 80% of the food we eat.” 1 so let’s dive deeper!
Imagine a child who grew up eating only cream filled moist yellow cake tubes which shall not be named, how healthy is that child? Now compare them to a child who was given a diverse diet. Which child do you think would perform better physically, mentally, or just over all developmentally? 2
Now zoom out, Everything is connected. 3 (Cosmic Web below also looks like brain synapses4. Coincidence? I think not)
Consciously choosing what to feed our plants directly impacts us as the consumer. Could we potentially lower the risk of Alzheimer's Disease or other related dementias just by paying attention to ALL potential metal exposures including our soils and plant foods? (See links to reviewed articles below)
Sadly, I haven’t yet been able to do a large-scale, long-term study with controls. We do however test as much as we can ourselves.
So what are the most bought products to grow fruits, vegetables, medicinal herbs and more?
For 2022 with about 2.5 million in sales across the state of Oklahoma (Including our big brother store VooDoo Hydro and Garden Supply based out of Lawton, not including other locations and partnerships), here are our top 5 nutrients purchased by farms in RANDOM order!
· Soil Care – Wind River Microbes
· Athena Pro (line)
· General Hydroponics Flora (line)
· Clonex Solution
· Front Row Ag
We have looked into these brands to see their testing! So far this is what we have found….
Soil Care- No need for heavy metal testing these are all natural living microorganisms! *This product is actually used in mitigation for arsenic and heavy metals! 7
Athena Pro- 10 approved tests none resubmitted.
General Hydroponics Flora- 2 tests being re submitted specifically on the flora gro and bloom, many (20+) others tested and approved. 9
Clonex Solution- only 1 test found 10
Front Row Ag - 4 pending review currently and 10 others approved 11
(Not All Tests in Photos. Please follow link and look up complete testing results.)
What are your farms using?
Every man ought to be inquisitive through every hour of his great adventure down to the day when he shall no longer cast a shadow in the sun. For if he dies without a question in his heart, what excuse is there for his continuance?